Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I need to leave posts more often. I have a few experimental blog ideas (that will probably only be new to me).

Anyone have any good ideas on how to keep ones self motivated to post often?


  1. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I find that the more sites I read, the more I want to share with others (aka, post them).

  2. Sure, but more often than not my problem is trying to figure out which of the many things I read online should be posted. With soo many choices, I'm sometimes paralyzed and end up waiting for something incredibly witty to say (and it doesn't happen).

  3. Perhaps it the opposite of what outoutblogger said: Spend less time read other's stuff, and maybe you'll have more time for yours. It's so easy to get engrossed by what's out there, that by the time you decide to write something, it's late, you want to go to bed, and nothing in your life seems as witty or interesting as what you've just read. Makes sense, how can you compete with the combined lives of the 100+ individuals whose opinions you've encountered throughout the day. It also helps to assign a higher calling to the task: "I'm doing this for posterity, so others in a few hundred years will understand more about us." or "I'm doing this so that my children will know more about who their parents were as individuals".
