Friday, April 22, 2005

Do you feel loved?

One more sign of unabashed conservatism in Winona, Minnesota. I wonder if Principal Wondrasch and her faculty at Winona Senior High School would think differently of the "I (heart) My Vagina" pins if they saw "The Vagina Monologues?" I saw it several years ago when it was playing in Beverly Hills, and it was a very emotional and educational performance. And why didn't they suspend the students wearing shirts with the numerals 88 on it - representing the "H" in Hail Hitler - recently in commemoration for the evil man's birthday? I sense a double-standard in this school's administration.

(For information on the V-Day movement to stop violence against women and girls, click here.)

School Suspends 2 Over 'Vagina' Buttons
Friday, April 22, 2005 7:48 AM ET

WINONA, Minn. - The off-Broadway hit "The Vagina Monologues" has gotten two high school students into trouble. The students were admonished for wearing buttons inspired by the show that say "I (heart) My Vagina."

American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota has offered to help students fight any consequences from their actions. The trouble started last month after student Carrie Rethlefsen saw Eve Ensler's play about female sexuality and sexual violence against women. Rethlefsen and fellow student Emily Nixon soon began wearing the buttons.

"We can't really find out what is inappropriate about it," Rethlefsen, 18, told the Star Tribune of Minneapolis. "I don't think banning things like that is appropriate." As a show of support, more than 100 students have ordered T-shirts bearing "I (heart) My Vagina" for girls and "I Support Your Vagina" for boys. Principal Nancy Wondrasch said some in school find the buttons offensive.

"We support free speech," she said. "But when it does infringe on other people's rights and our school policies, then we need to take a look at that."

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