Supposedly, Jennifer Aniston sent an e-mail with pictures to her friend Jeff Prasertlum...and Jeff forwarded it on to friends. Like the old shampoo commercial, "...and so on, and so on, and so on... ."
Here's a copy of all of the e-mail forwards that ended up in my hands (lucky for all of the people on the list that I went in by hand to delete everyone's e-mail addresses). For the original effect, read this blog posting from the bottom-on-up:
-----Original Message-----From: Graham, Kathryn
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:55 PM
To: Graham, Kathryn
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
-----Original Message-----From: Debra Cullen
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 2:40 PM
To: Debra Cullen
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
Coco’s christening
-----Original Message-----From: jwada
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 3:30 PM
To: Debra Cullen
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
Oh my god, this is great!!!!
------ Forwarded Message ------
From: Marni Rothstein
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 15:28:13 -0400
To: rluebke, jwada, hmerry
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
thought u girls would like this.............
From: Sara FriedmanTo: "Amy Schneidkraut (E-mail)", "Brooke Sirota (E-mail)", "Cassie Gabrielson (E-mail)", "Danna Rosenberg (E-mail)", "Jamie Wenger (E-mail)", "Jeff Schaeffer (E-mail)", "Jill Brotman (E-mail)", "Kristen Kourakos (E-mail)" , "Lauren Engel (E-mail)", "Lauren Hendricks (E-mail)", "Marisa Ostheimer (E-mail)", "Marni Rothstein (E-mail)", "Michelle Zigler (E-mail)", "Rachel Bressler (E-mail)", "Rachel Rosenblum (E-mail)", "Rachel Shustak (E-mail)", "Stefanie Browdy (E-mail)"
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 14:35:42 -0400
Check out who sent this email initially...all the way down at the bottom - then look at the pics attached.. SARA FRIEDMAN
-----Original Message-----
From: Bourne, Sari (US)
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 2:30 PM
To: Allison Emmet; Brooke Lazerson (Brooke Lazerson); Melissa Davis; drlevy78 Cc: Alissa.Greenhaus; Sara Friedman; Carly Friedman (aol) (Carly Friedman (aol)); Andy Bourne
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
Am I crazy for thinking this might be legit?
Check out the attachments...
-----Original Message-----From: Kristin Bentz
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 1:43 PM
To: cruzhoo
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
Check it!
Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.- BETTE MIDLER
Kristin Bentz
-----Original Message-----From: Laurel Saville
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:46 PM
To: 'Kristin Bentz'; 'Alana Cohen'
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
Soo weird, my friend always gets these random celeb e-mails
Laurel Saville
-----Original Message-----
From: Torchen, Amy
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:15 PM
To: Womack, Amy (MBFFD cs); Allyson Palmeri; Couch, Micaela;; Meade, Virginia; Kelly Suchowiecki (E-mail); cait3481; Alysia Bruno (E-mail); Nosilla327; KayJay228; harkie47; lomic81; amelia.lindberg; Shannon, Erica
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
WOAH this is CRAAAAZY!!!
-----Original Message-----From: Moore, Danielle
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:12 PM
To: Torchen, Amy
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
-----Original Message-----
From: Mullahy, Danielle
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:05 PM
To: Gina Owens; 'Lauren Stever'; 'Courtney R. Trzaska'; 'katie halleron'; 'Meaghan McNamara'; 'Klampfer, Scott'; Moore, Danielle; Karla; 'FRED WINDHEIM III'; 'Rose, Charles'
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
-----Original Message-----
From: Way, Ashley
Sent: April 18, 2005 12:02 PM
To: Gormley, Melissa; Schultz, Elizabeth; Mullahy, Danielle
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
Check this out!!! Read below who originally sent it....
-----Original Message-----
From: Abramovitz, Rachel
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:58 AM
To: Meredith Miller; arice; 'Carolyn Bedrosian'; jnodelman; 'Elizabeth Watson'; Way, Ashley; 'Ryan Murphy'
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
-----Original Message-----From: Stephanie Lasker
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:55 AM
To: Jamie Sand-Goldberger; Juliana Schure; Abramovitz, Rachel
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
Stephanie Lasker
SeamlessWeb Professional Solutions, Inc.
"The Smart Way To Eat at Work"
600+ Manhattan restaurants 1 place to order **********************************************
-----Original Message-----
From: Roth, Rachel
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:49 AM
To: EricaJLerner; Carrie Burstein; ksegall; Stephanie Lasker; Danielle Stapen
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
-----Original Message-----From: Mendelsohn, Jamie
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:46 AM
To: Goodman, Ira; Roth, Rachel
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
-----Original Message-----From: Van Cleave, Amalie
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:44 AM
To: Mendelsohn, Jamie; gmneff
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
-----Original Message-----From: Corcoran, Christina
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:40 AM
To: Krenzer, Colleen; Van Cleave, Amalie; Miglionico, Kerri; Godwin, Anne
Subject: FW: Look who started the email at the bottom
Funny to me how quickly these are getting around.
-----Original Message-----From: Laura Roche
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:31 AM
To: SStoller; nathalie.cohen; Salas, Andrea; Roche, Elizabeth (GMI Equity OTC Sales/Trading); Paragallo, Jennifer; erika.easter, Corcoran, Christina
Subject: Look who started the email at the bottom
Some pics from Courtney cox's christening..
--- Forwarded message from Julie Schaul ---
-----Original Message-----From: Jaime Yandolino
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 4:36 PM
Subject: FW: Friends... LOOK WHO STARTED THIS!
-----Original Message-----From: Marisa Ellish
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 4:15 PM
Subject: FW: Friends...
-----Original Message-----
From: dana
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 4:01 PM
To: Marisa Ellish; Lauren Lessmann; Lauren Rosenthal; Lauren Stern; Leslie Press; amy stern; Rachel Miron
Subject: Friends... Look who started this...
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Dana Schuessler
Date: Apr 15, 2005 3:56 PM
Subject: Fwd: FW: Friends in town To: dschuess From: "Lucks, Cari"
TO: Amy (E-mail), Dana Schuessler (E-mail) , Deny Soto (E-mail), Gabby Strauss, Heather Kirsch (E-mail), Jill Winegar (E-mail) , Katie O'Shea (E-mail), Mae Gilberg (E-mail), Melissa Rosenberg (E-mail), Matthew Kelley (E-mail), Naomi Finkelstein (E-mail), Nicole Decario (E-mail), Sara Colman (E-mail), pamela1021, jmelz1, luckyml, hillary CC:
-----Original Message-----From: Zobel, Lauren
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 3:11 PM
To: 'sspitzer' Cc: Lucks, Cari
Subject: FW: Friends in town
Check it out...
-----Original Message-----From: Courtney Stein
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 2:07 PM
To: danielle.rosen; heather.gershen; lauren.hertz; lcohen;megan_linsey; cohenmj; meredithvmiller; Zobel, Lauren
Subject: Friends in town
just a MODERATE invasion of privacy...
----Original Message Follows----
From: Michael.Elgort
To: courtneybstein
Subject: Fw: Friends in town
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 14:00:11 -0400
some random celebreality pics, more up your alley
Michael E. Elgort
Ernst & Young LLP 5 Times Square New York,
----- Forwarded by Michael E. Elgort/Assurance/AABS/EYLLP/US on 04/15/2005 02:00 PM -----
From: Rich Pashkin/FS2/TAX/EYLLP/US04/15/2005 01:51 PM
To: Joshua O. Perles/Connecticut/TAX/EYLLP/ Coleen Blakely/Southeast/TAX/EYLLP/, Michael E. Elgort/Assurance/AABS/EYLLP/, Ashley B. Cousins/FS2/TAX/EYLLP/, Christopher M. Rivera/PFC/TAX/EYLLP/, Rebecca L. DiGangi/Cons/TAX/EYLLP/, Linda Helble/Cons/TAX/EYLLP/, cc
Subject Fw: Friends in town
----- Forwarded by Rich Pashkin/FS2/TAX/EYLLP/US on 04/15/2005 01:50 PM
----- From: "Prasertlum, Jeff" 04/15/2005 01:11 PM ----- To: "Paul Darrow (E-mail)", "Dean Meyers (E-mail)", "Rich Pashkin (E-mail)"
Subject FW: Friends in town
check it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Aniston
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 12:32 PM
To: Prasertlum, Jeff
Subject: FW: Friends in town
Jeff, Here are some pic's of that Christening that I went to, that I was telling you about...
_____________________________________________And last but not least my are the pictures that were attached to Jennifer's e-mail:
Sorry I removed the pictures!!!!!!!