Wednesday, March 30, 2005

What if I'm not having a clambake, ever?

I really, really, really want to buy these, but I have no idea what to do with them.

Large Colander $45.00 Mini-Colanders, Set of 6 $75.00

I just love these gorgeous little holed-cups of juicy color. They're tiny and playful. But seriously...who really needs itty-bitty colanders??? If I bought these my husband would freak out. We would have no place to store them. We don't even have enough places to store our dish collections. Not to mention that we still have unused wedding gifts still being stored at his parents' house - we got married over three years ago.

If anyone reading this post can come up with another use for these things, maybe I can purchase them!!! (I can't even think of anyone I know getting married who could use these.)

I just want to buy them. Eeek!


  1. You could use them to serve fruit in?

  2. A friend of mine (who also has a penchant for culinary accessories) said this, "I think my best argument (is), when I got "now why do you need those", I'd say "I don't NEED them, I WANT them!"

  3. Anonymous8:13 PM

    What? You don't bring home live crab on special occasions? Isn't that a cultural thing?

  4. I would bring live crabs home on special occasions if cooking them didn't completely stink-up my apartment.

    My parents are lucky enough to have a huge grill out in the backyard that they put the big stockpot on to cook fresh crab.

  5. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Princessa, Did you purchase the mini clambake colanders from Pottery Barn? If so, would you be interested in selling them to me? I recently redecorated my kitchen in those colors and would love to have them to hang on my kitchen wall. They're no longer available at Pottery Barn. Sandy email address:

  6. HAHAHAHA!!!! I would bring home live crab to cook on special occasions if I had a kitchen with better air-flow. Anytime we cook fragrant foods (like fish) the smell just sits in there for days on end.
