Monday, June 07, 2004

Cookie Dough

I'm at a loss as to what to start talking about, seeing that this is "Day 1" and all. As it's early Monday, I can't say that I have anything incredibly interesting to talk about. Let's see, what did I do this past weekend?

Saturday a.m. -- Alumnae chapter board meeting at my apartment.

Saturday p.m. -- Game day at C & R's house. There was LOTS of wine drinking going on. Heard about President Reagan's passing on the drive over to their house.

Sunday a.m. -- Found out that my mother-in-law definitely broke her nose after a fall the previous evening. Poor thing.

Sunday p.m. -- Went to an open house with my husband to celebrate the arrival of our friend's son. He left early to visit his mom. I stayed a bit later and then left to do grocery shopping and cook dinner for the rest of this week. Since I was by myself last night, I watched a lot of chick-flick-TV. It was great.

Typical June Gloom weather today in SoCal. The weather sets the tone for a somber procession for the late President Reagan, his wife Nancy, and their family from Santa Monica up to the Reagan Library in Simi Valley.

What saddens me the most about his passing is the next stage of relationship between him and his wife Nancy. I have always perceived them as being a very loving couple. During Reagan's time in office they never shied away from displays of public affection. The little bits of their relationship that has been permeating the news this past weekend is intriguing. Like the methodical and ritualistic way he would always help Nancy dismount her horse -- and ending with a kiss. His love letters to his "Daily Wife". Not to mention the undying grace, love, and support Nancy gave him through the "long goodbye".

You can get updates as to the weeks' funeral events on the official library site here:

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