Wednesday, October 26, 2005

"Babies-for-Sale" on Chinese eBay

"Babies-for-Sale" on Chinese eBay
A child in a cardboard box in Beijing
There is a thriving black market in babies in China
Chinese police are investigating a report of attempted baby trafficking on an internet auction site, according to a state-owned newspaper.
The advertisement was reportedly placed on eBay's Chinese website, Eachnet.

Boys were advertised for 28,000 yuan ($3,450) while girls were offered for 13,000 yuan ($1,603), Eachnet manager Tang Lei told the China Daily.

The offer could have been a hoax, but it comes as baby trafficking is seen as an increasing problem in China.

China's strict "one child" birth control policy, coupled with the traditional bias for male children, has led to widespread reports of child abductions, and several people have been sentenced to death for their part in smuggling rings.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Mysterious "Camel Toads"

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Monday, October 03, 2005

I am a Master

You are a MASTER of the English language!

Huzzah. While your English is not exactly
perfect, you are still more grammatically
correct than just about every American. Others
admire the way you speak and could learn a lot
from listening to you. Still, there is always
room for improvement...

How grammatically correct are you? (Revised with answer key)
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